
Human Resource Management


Human resource management is defined as process which manage and develop manpower planning. It ensures equal contribution from every employees in entity and make effective utilization of human capital (Bryman and Bell, 2015). This report analyse of HR and its practices which are conducted in Morrisons company. It is one of the biggest retail company in UK which mainly focuses on providing fresh food along with reasonable cost. This report also analyse function of HRM, application of work forces planning, maintaining employees relations and their influences on human resource's decisions making process. At last this report analyse job description and person specification for team leader in the retail company.

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Task 1

1.1 Benefits of different types of HRM practices

In Morrisons company there are different types of HR practices are conducted. Human resources practices ensure growth in organization (Bryman and Bell, 2015). These practices assist to employees and employer in effective way i.e. enhancing productivity. The retail company conduct following HR practices.

Training and development

Training and development aim to improve skills and knowledge of newly recruited employees in organization. Under these program's entity conduct different types of secessions which make aware to workers about industry practices. Through these programs employees get knowledge about entity and employers get better work.

Recruitment and selection

Main aim of HR in company is to hire skilled employees for vacant positions. This practice is generally based on entity's missions and work culture (Cummings and Worley, 2014). Through this HR practices employers get efficient and skilled employees and workers get fair chance to improves their knowledge.

Work flexibility

Under this practice Human resource management of Morrisons implement flexible work schedules, providing telecommunications options and providing training managing stress at workplace (Heldman, 2013). All these practices benefits to employees for managing their work life balance. Through these practice employers of organizations enhances productivity and cost of workers

1.2 Evaluation of different HRM practices for raising profits and productivity

Aim of human resource practices in every entity is to enhancing productivity of employees and profits of entity. These HR practices ensure to achieve organization objectives along with long term growth. Training and development improves present skills and knowledge along. This also focuses on develop them for future responsibility. For example on in 2014 Morrisons has 569 superstores in UK (Jeston and Nelis, 2014). By providing training to its employees they are continuous expanding their business. Recruitment and selection producers of retail establishment is very aggressive. Entity uses different types of hiring producers so they can develop its business. For example hiring employees they use collages and universities. Through this practice company can skilled and diverse populations of students. It is cost effective approach as well.

Flexibility is modern human resources practices which aim to provide work life balance to employees (Knights and Tinker, 2016). Effectiveness of these practices in that it creates results oriented work environment and firm need to pay less amount to its workers.

1.3 Different methods used in HRM practices

In Morrisons company Human resource management use a large numbers of methods and techniques. Al these methods are based on psychology, sociology, mathematics and statistics areas. Following are methods of human resources practices.

For selecting employees entity use various methods which includes preliminary screening, telephone interviewing and in persons interview. All these methods are used by company to find right persons for vacant position in entity (Monczka, and, 2015). Morrisons is retail company which offers its services worldwide so for hiring employees they use In person interview. Under this method organization take face to face interview and hire the best suited candidate according to their skills and knowledge.

Training and development is another HR practices which is used by organization for improving skills of employees. For this practice Morrisons use on the job and off the job training. In on the job training workers trained by manager of entity during working hours. In off the training method entity hire training institutions which give in depth knowledge about industry practices.

1.4 Critically evaluation of Human resource practices

Morrisons is global retail brand. Company have main purposes is to services low cosy products along with quality (Paloutzian and Park, 2014). HR of company conduct various types of practices which aim to improve productivity and profitability.

Hiring is important human resource practices. In Morrisons they use in person interview for hiring workers. In this technique retail company take face to face interview of candidate. This approach is effective in terms to check knowledge of applicants. However, this approach is also time consuming and make extra financial burden of organization. Training and development is essentials of every company because it ensures long term growth of firm along with employees. The company uses various types of training programs such as on the job training and off the job training. These training programs assist to Morrisons for improves skills and technical knowledge (Redpath, and, 2013). However, this training programs add more operational cost in entity.

Another human resources practice is provide flexibility in entity. Under this approach management of company is provide flexibility to its workers so they maintain their work life balance but this kind of approach is appropriate for only low skilled workers not for the senior management.

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Task 2

2.1 Importance of employees relations in respect to HRM decisions making process

Maintaining healthy employees relations in an organization is pre requisite for entity's success. Strong employees relations are required for high productivity and human satisfaction. Morrisons company believes in developing strong employees relations which is achieved by providing healthy and safe work environment to its workers (Smith, 2014). Following are impacts of employees relations in decisions making process.

Discourage conflicts and bring innovations

Through healthy employees relations workers adjust more and stop finding faults in each other. Good employees relations assist to employees for concentrate on work. By giving more concentration on work they give better innovative ideas.

Reduces problems of absenteeism

Employees relations assist to entity for reducing absenteeism is entity. Maintain good healthy relations with employees motivated to them for develop long term relations. They do not take frequent leaves (Stahl, Björkman and Wright, 2012.). Through this human resources of fulfil business objectives.

2.2 Key elements of employees legislations and impact on organization

Morrisons is international retail company which conduct is main operation in UK. There are various types of legislation which may effects human resource management. It is compulsory for every organization to follow all statutory laws (Mao and Yang, 2016). By following are these laws and regulations entity ensure smooth working practices.

Minimum Wage, Act 1998

National Minimum Wage Act 1998 creates minimum wages for workers across UK. According to this act it is compulsory for every organization to pay minimum wages to its employees. This act aim to reduces labour exploitation and provides fair treatments to each worker. Currently minimum wages in UK is £7.20 per hour. HR of entity make sure that each employees gets minimum wage and according to its they decide workers compensations.

Employee's Insurance Act 1969

The Employer's Liability Act, 1969 is Act which provides guidelines to all business firm for carry insurance against the personal injury of their employees (Human Resources Advice, 2016). This act provides protection to workers from any king on injury which occurred during workplace. It promoted fairness at work place. HR of Morrisons make sure that each employees get benefited from this act.

The Health and Workplace Safety Act, 1974

It is main piece of UK health and safety legislations. Primary focus of this act is make responsible to all employers for promoting health and safety at work place for its employees. It protected to employees from all kind of hazards and risks activities which belong to work place.

2.3 Evaluation of key aspects of employees relation and employment legislation on HRM decisions making

Employees are important assets for every organization and to maintain health relation with employees is also important for firm. In Morrisons company there are different types of laws and regulation which apply on their activities (Top 10 Best Practices in HR Management for 2013). It is compulsory for retail company to follow all the statutory requirements. All this legislation assists to firm to providing better work place practices and create a health environment. By providing minimum wages to employees company offers fairness at workplace and workers can fulfil their basic requirements.

Employee's insurance and workplace safety is also promoted healthy employees relations which aim to protect to workers from all king of risks which they faced at workplace. Through these employees feel safe and secure. If employees received safe and secure environment then they perform their tasks better way.

2.4 critically evaluates of employees relations and applications of HRM practices in decisions making process

HR of Morrisons company conduct many practices which ensure employees productivity. All these human resources practices focuses on developing healthy relation with employees and ensure long term growth (MORRISON, 2016). The primary aim of human resources is hire skilled employees for vacant job which assist to entity for improving its performance. For this company use various types of hiring process so they can select right person for right job. However, organization need to focus more on aggressive producers so they can select more skilled employees in organizations.

By developing flexible working approach HR of company offers balance work life for its employee's. This approach assist to HR for developing long term, relations with is employees but also it can be provide to every employees. Flexible working is suitable for only those employees which are low skilled. Another human resource practices which is conduct by Morrisons is reward. Providing reward to employees motivated to them for giving better work but is also created problems. In reward systems company need to develop transparency so they no conflicts arises in between workers.

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Task 3

3.1 Job description for a Team leader

In this document, Morrisons need to specify personal description of individual and requirement of skills for the team leader.

Company Wm Morrisons supermarket plc
Job Title Team leader in Human resource
Date 13th February 2107
Role and Responsibilities For assisting to Human resource department of organization. To providing new ideas in human resource and make research on different human resource practices within similar industry.
Location In entire UK
Legislation and company policies

Minimum Wage, Act 1998

Wages are paid according to minimum wages Act that is £7.20 per hour and also overtime premium (Bryman. and Bell, 2015).

Employee's Insurance Act 1969

It is mandatory for employees to get insured under this act. Equal amount will be deducted by employees and employers salary.

Person descriptions

Qualifications NHS Graduated and bring innovative ideas for human resource management
Work experience At completed 6 months internships in any retail company

Good communication skills
Sound knowledge about human resource
Good analytical skills
Good leadership skills

3.2 Rational of job description and person specification in recruitment process

In Morrisons company job description and person specifications assist to human resource for making effective selection or employees. Through this organization make evaluate of eligible applicant for vacant positions (Knights. and Tinker, 2016). With help of this organization can gain detail information about individual. Human resource department of entity is evaluate persons abilities for performing tasks. Following are benefits of Job description and person specification in recruitment process.

  • In recruitment process with help to job description and person specifications they set require abilities and skills which are needed for the said job.
  • It also gives in death knowledge about the individual.
  • It assists to organization for make effective recruitment.


From summing above the report it concluded that Human resource management and its practice improve the working conditions of staff. In every organization HR department's techniques used to maximize employees contribution and gain competitive advantages. Morrisons company and its human resource department is also focuses on developing human capital. Through this they ensure long term growth of entity. From the above report it can also conclude that the retail company use various types of practice which raise profit in entity and also organization develop long term employees relations.

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  • Bryman, A. and Bell, E., 2015.Business research methods. Oxford University Press. USA.
  • Cummings, T. G. and Worley, C. G., 2014.Organization development and change. Cengage learning.
  • Daft, R. and Marcic, D., 2016.Understanding management. Nelson Education.
  • Ghai, D. and Vivian, J. M., 2014. Grassroots environmental action: people's participation in sustainable development. Routledge.
  • Heldman, K., 2013.PMP: project management professional exam study guide. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Jeston, J. and Nelis, J., 2014.Business process management. Routledge.
  • Knights, D. and Tinker, T., 2016.Financial institutions and social transformations: International studies of a sector. Springer.
  • Mao, Z.E. and Yang, Y., 2016. FDI spillovers in the Chinese hotel industry: The role of geographic regions, star-rating classifications, ownership types, and foreign capital origins.Tourism Management.54. pp.1-12.
  • Monczka, R. M. and, 2015.Purchasing and supply chain management. Cengage Learning.
  • Paloutzian, R. F. and Park, C. L., 2014.Handbook of the psychology of religion and spirituality. Guilford Publications.
  • Redpath, S. M. and, 2013. Understanding and managing conservation conflicts.Trends in Ecology & Evolution.28(2). pp.100-109.
  • Smith, L. G., 2014.Impact assessment and sustainable resource management. Routledge.
  • Stahl, G., Björkman, I. and Wright, P., 2012. Six principles of effective global talent management. Sloan Management Review. 53(2). pp.25-42.
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